Saturday 8 June 2013

Homeopathic herbal remedies for inflammation

Homeopathy effective in inflammation

Counter inflammation gently with homeopathy
Alternative therapies to support the recovery

In the words of many inflammatory and fever-pitched alarm bells, often followed by the fear of serious illness. Often overlooked: inflammation fulfill important functions. Local redness, fever, pain and malfunction are considered typical features of inflammation. Your job is to make and carry away Sickening harmless substances. Thus, for example, prevents heat from fever that pathogens spread. To prepare the health balance to the body, many ear, nose and throat doctors in NRW offer their patients also naturopathic therapies. Be particularly effective in acute inflammation to regulatory processes such as homeopathy show. Their effect supports the defense mechanisms of the body.

Inflammation represent a defense reaction of the body against viruses and bacteria dar. The mucous membranes play an important role as contact surfaces with the environment. So warm and moisten the nasal mucous membranes, for example, the air inhaled, remove dust from it and suspended solids and transport them with the nasal secretions back out. "On a cold, the body produces increased nasal secretions and mucous membranes to swell greatly, so that the cold can not drain properly," explains Dr. Uso Walter, Duisburg otolaryngologist and CEO of HNOnet NRW. "In the worst case this can lead to inflammation of the nose and sinuses." In general otolaryngologists treat a simple cold with decongestants and drugs with mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect.

But also in the treatment of sinusitis put otolaryngologists on naturopathic therapies. To support homeopathic and herbal remedies efforts of the organism to produce its health balance. Studies show that many patients with sinusitis reported that they were healthy as a result of homeopathic treatment. "Here, the selection of the appropriate homeopathic remedy depends not only on the clinical diagnosis. Also, the individual symptoms play a decisive role in the choice of means, "says Dr. Walter from experience. Homeopathic remedies also eliminate weaknesses reaction of the body caused by previous intake of too many drugs or a general immune deficiency. The newly introduced since the beginning of the year seal "naturally healthy" from HNOnet NRW helps health-conscious future, to find suitable ENT clinics in their area.

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